Today is the 2nd of December and the 6th anniversary of English Club. We celebrate it with games and cakes, old friends and new guests.
One of the most important things that student tell us is that they want to be more confident in using their English in social situations. Having an opportunity to speak a language you learn ads to your motivation and creates a positive environment for language skills development. Don’t miss your chance to practice English and become a member of English Club. We meet every Sunday at 6 p.m. For more information visit our web site: club.
This Sunday there was a special meeting because we celebrated the 6th anniversary of English Club. We had a special guest, Anna Kazakova, who was actually a founder of English Club. Now Anna lives in Sweden. It was very interesting to listen to a story about how it all began. She sang a song which is a traditional greeting in Sweden for birthdays.
But not only Anna went online to congratulate our Club with its birthday. Another person who picked up the banner of English Club was Svetlana Yarmots. She sent her congratulations from sunny and warm Thailand.
So, it was really a global birthday party with a traditional birthday cake and a game of forfeits, which challenged us with some tasks like «act as a Queen of England and congratulate English Club on its birthday», or «act as a dancing teacher and have a dancing lesson with everybody».
Join us every Sunday for tea and conversation. We’ll have different topics for discussion each time.
Самый сказочный и долгожданный праздник совсем близко! Примите активное участие в Рождественских конкурсах от центра изучения иностранных языков «Big Ben» и получите сладкие призы!
Накануне Хэллоуина были подведены итоги конкурса рисунков и фонариков среди младших студентов Центра «Big Ben». Все участники получили дипломы, а самые лучшие работы были отмечены призами и подарками от Центра.
The 6th anniversary of English Club
One of the most important things that student tell us is that they want to be more confident in using their English in social situations. Having an opportunity to speak a language you learn ads to your motivation and creates a positive environment for language skills development. Don’t miss your chance to practice English and become a member of English Club. We meet every Sunday at 6 p.m. For more information visit our web site: club.
This Sunday there was a special meeting because we celebrated the 6th anniversary of English Club. We had a special guest, Anna Kazakova, who was actually a founder of English Club. Now Anna lives in Sweden. It was very interesting to listen to a story about how it all began. She sang a song which is a traditional greeting in Sweden for birthdays.
But not only Anna went online to congratulate our Club with its birthday. Another person who picked up the banner of English Club was Svetlana Yarmots. She sent her congratulations from sunny and warm Thailand.
So, it was really a global birthday party with a traditional birthday cake and a game of forfeits, which challenged us with some tasks like «act as a Queen of England and congratulate English Club on its birthday», or «act as a dancing teacher and have a dancing lesson with everybody».
Join us every Sunday for tea and conversation. We’ll have different topics for discussion each time.
Marina Mishchenko, moderator of English Club
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