English Club again! New meeting of English Club is on Sunday, 2, March at 6 pm. We’re talking about… BOOKS! Awesome, great and wonderful! Come and bring your favourite book!
People read different books, magazines, stiries and genres…
These are the questions you can answer after reading any book:
1. Which character would you most like to meet and why?
2. Who is your favourite character and why?
3. What is the most exciting thing that has happened in your book so far?
4. Describe the place where the book is set.
5. If the book was made into a film, who would you choose as the actors?
6. What do you think is going to happen next?
7. Would you recommend this book? Why / Why not?
If you like discussing books and characters, join our next meeting of English Club.
New meeting of English Club is on Sunday, 2, March at 6 pm.
We’re talking about… BOOKS! Awesome, great and wonderful!
Наши преподаватели Марина Мищенко и Эльвира Облова приняли участие в семинаре (г. Волгоград) и получили много полезной информации по подготовке студентов Центра к сдаче международных экзаменов.
Совсем скоро уникальное предложение от наших партнеров из Тайланда — летний лагерь от 2 до 6 недель в международной школе Бангкока для школьников и студентов, а также подготовка к TOEFL.
English Club again!
People read different books, magazines, stiries and genres…
These are the questions you can answer after reading any book:
1. Which character would you most like to meet and why?
2. Who is your favourite character and why?
3. What is the most exciting thing that has happened in your book so far?
4. Describe the place where the book is set.
5. If the book was made into a film, who would you choose as the actors?
6. What do you think is going to happen next?
7. Would you recommend this book? Why / Why not?
If you like discussing books and characters, join our next meeting of English Club.
New meeting of English Club is on Sunday, 2, March at 6 pm.
We’re talking about… BOOKS! Awesome, great and wonderful!
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