The things that changed the world

There are a lot of outstanding inventors who gave the world great inventions that changed the world. What are these personalities and the things they invented? It’s impossible even to think about absence of these important things. Now we can’t live a day without them!

There are a lot of outstanding inventors who gave the world great inventions that changed the world. What are these personalities and the things they invented? It’s impossible even to think about absence of these important things. Now we can’t live a day without them!

And we decided to exchange views on this question and make up our own list of such things.

Everyone has enough time to think about it at the meeting and then we read and explained our choice. The frequent things were put down on the blackboard. You can see our variants on the photo. They are: wheel, gun, nuclear energy, missile, bulb, mobile, x-ray, DNA, radio, TV, the Internet, paper, tights and others. If you are interested you may think and enlarge or change this list.

After it we discussed rather strange, interesting and doubtful list founded in «The Daily Telegraph». It says that 20 scientists from the British Science Association have drawn up a list of the top 10 things that have changed the world. Here is the list in full:

1. GPS Technology,
2. the Sony Walkman,
3. the Bar code,
4. TV Dinners,
5. PlayStation
6. social Networking,
7. text messages,
8. electronic money,
9. microwaves,
10. trainers.

Can you agree with it? It is a very unusual and unexpected angle!

Having discussed this one we start telling our prepared stories : Julia about x-ray, Nastya - mirror and Victor amazed us with the list of things that changed woman`s life.

We are  happy to think that this theme helped to see something interesting in common things and highly appreciate them and our life.

See you next time!


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