We met on Sunday to talk about Smart Reading. There were different summaries, pieces of advice how to read more, friendly atmosphere and tea!
We met on Sunday to talk about Smart Reading — there were different summaries, pieces of advice how to read more, friendly atmosphere and tea!
The motto was Reading Books Makes You Better!
We talked about alternatives as well — audiobooks, podcasts, longreads, summaries and articles. We discussed a lot — how often we read nowadays, our favourite books from childhood, the last books we’ve read and got impressed.
Подведены итоги КОНКУРСА ПЕРЕВОДА отрывка из книги «Алиса в стране чудес». Диплом за ЛУЧШИЙ ПЕРЕВОД и книгу «Алиса в Зазеркалье» мы вручили Собгайде Лизе.
16 апреля состоялся городской Конкурс Чтецов на английском и немецком языках. ОЦ Биг Бен выступил в качестве спонсора и предоставил подарки участникам и победителям конкурса.
Smart Reading on Sunday
We met on Sunday to talk about Smart Reading — there were different summaries, pieces of advice how to read more, friendly atmosphere and tea!
The motto was Reading Books Makes You Better!
We talked about alternatives as well — audiobooks, podcasts, longreads, summaries and articles. We discussed a lot — how often we read nowadays, our favourite books from childhood, the last books we’ve read and got impressed.
Read more and it’ll make you better.
See you next time in 2 weeks!
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